Love is thicker than the smokeš„

Love is thicker than the smokeš„
So we've been in a mandatory evacuation in our Larkfield home for 5 days and staying with dear friends in Petaluma the entire time. It's not been an easy time with the uncertainty of not knowing if our neighbors or our home was being burnt or someone else's business being shut with no electricity. Thankfully, we have come out of the smoke and have had a transformation like no other. This man made fire has taught us so many things. Not just all the modern conveniences or comforts of our lives were no longer solid, but constant alerts from Nixle warning us of the location of raging fire. Seriously, nothing matters except our lives and our wellbeing. Period. We want to be with our family and friends and the love that bonds us all. Here is the good news. We found a new place to open Just Breathe Chiropractic and our new home is Healdsburg. Yes, we will have a soft opening this Saturday morning from 10-1pm. Monday: 4-6:30pm, Tuesday: 4-6:30pm Wednesday: 10-12noon and Saturday's by appointment only. Our address is: 141 North Street, suite c, Healdsburg, Ca 94458 T: 707. 431. 1419 As for our next pop-up in Los Gatos, we will be open for our South Bay practice members on Monday, November 11th 12-2 and 3-6pm. Please email us for an appointment. We love you and appreciate you more than you can possibly know. Happy, Happy, Happy Halloween š. Dr. E, Rob and Luca