I am grateful | Network Spinal Analysis

Dear lovely people,

It begins with tending to the most critical piece- your spine. The quality of your spine determines the quality of your life. Period. Our dynamic care unlocks your body's genius ability to heal and taps into your reservoir of health, vitality, and energy.

What if I told you can have more... yes, I mean more of whatever it is you really wanted. When your spine holds onto patterns, we sometimes can't see how we are screwing ourselves up and I can help you entrain to your rhythm... the one that guides you.

This week hours are:

MONDAY: 3:00-6:30pm

WEDNESDAY: 9:30-11am & 3:00-6:30pm

FRIDAY: 9:00-11:30am

SATURDAY: 10-11am (bring your spouse and kids day)



Dr. Elizabeth Sordyl

14583 Big Basin Way, #3a

Saratoga, Ca 95070

T: 408.867.3407

W: www.justbreathechiropractic.com
